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Vortrag: „China’s Carbon Market – The Building and Development of China’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)“ | Prof. QI Shaozhou 齐绍洲 ist zu Gast am Konfuzius-Institut
Pilot Emission Trade Schemes (ETS or carbon markets) in nine Chinese provinces and cities have been operating for 10 years. Building on the pilot experience, China officially launched a national ETS in July 2021. At present, a 1+9 carbon market system has been formed. The lecture will answer and introduce a series of interesting questions about the effectiveness of China’s pilot and national carbon market operation, what challenges are faced, what are the future development trends, and how China’s carbon market contributes to China’s carbon neutrality goals, so as to clarify China’s market-oriented climate policy and its carbon neutrality ambitions and actions.
Prof. QI Shaozhou 齐绍洲, Phd, is an economics professor in the Economics and Management School, director of Climate Change and Energy Economics Study Center(CCEE) and director of the Center for European Studies, Wuhan University of China. He was awarded the State Council special allowance expert of China in 2023 and the Jean-Monnet Chair Professor of European Union in 2015. His research interests include carbon market (ETS), climate change and energy economics, international trade as well as climate policy assessment. Prof. Qi now serves as the Vice President of China Society of World Economics(CSWE), President of Hubei Province Society of World Economics, the Vice President of Branch Society of European Economics of China European Society, Vice Chairman of Energy System Engineering Committee of China Energy Research Society, Chairman of the Expert Committee of Hubei ETS Pilot.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
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